Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Another Leftist Hero

So how much longer do we have to hear what a great guy Hugo Chavez is from the whacko leftists in this country? Don't forget he is Cindy Sheehan's favorite despot. And we know that he is an honest champion of the voice of the people, since we have Jimmy Carter's word that his elections are fair and accurate. Who can forget what incredible aid he is giving to the poor with his handing out of oil to them. And then we can also remember what good buddies he is with the Hollywood types, like Danny Glover.
But just as with the illusions that leftists have about the socialist paradise of Cuba (think of Michael Moore's latest "documentary" which would have us model our health care system on Fidel's), the people who actually live in the country under the dictatorial rule of such crazies don't quite see things the same way. In addition to taking actions that will probably tank the economy (because that is what has happened in practically every other country where a power hungry "man of the people" has seized the private industries), he has now effectively silenced free speech and the freedom of the press. Just as leftists blindly supported Stalin back in the day, once again they have picked a winner.
Of course, Democrats are already trying to do something similar with their attempts to impose the "Fairness Doctrine" which would impose regulations on free speech over the radio. Basically, Democrats and leftists can't put someone on the radio that anybody wants to listen to (don't worry, because I think Air America is still at least playing in Vermont), they want to impose a Fairness doctrine that would require "equal time" for both sides of the spectrum. And since nobody wants to listen to liberals on the radio, they would have to cut back on conservative programming, which actually brings in revenue, as opposed to draining it. We can't help it if all of the liberal radio hosts get into trouble by hurling racial slurs at undeserving women's sports teams.
So just remember, when you go to vote for someone that kowtows to the will of such people as Cindy Sheehan, remember what, in her mind, is the ideal ruler.

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