As if I didn't already have plenty of reason to reject McCain as the Republican presidential nominee for 2008, he handed me a big fat one yesterday on a silver platter with a heaping side of Ted Kennedy. Yes, he is a steadfast proponent of the war in Iraq, but I've got that with Joe Lieberman, and he at least has the common decency to call himself a Democrat (actually, now he is an Independent since his party chased him off, but he at least doesn't hide who he is). Maybe McCain will get Arlen Specter's vote, but I would be ashamed of a party that votes this man to speak for them and run for president. I would also have to hang my head in shame around any other RINOs who attach their name to this bill (I'm thinking of you, Senator Kyl, and yes, even you Mr. President). As if we weren't tipping the scales in their favor already for 2008, why do we even bother? Why not just concede the race now? Do we really think we will win anything by granting amnesty to illegal aliens?
Lets face it, a win for this immigration bill, regardless of how many Republicans took part in its crafting, is only going to aid Democrats. The biggest supporters of this will always be Democrats, and you are not going to drum up huge support for Republican candidates this way. Despite all their wishful thinking, there will not be some huge shift to vote Republican because George Bush granted illegals amnesty. What it will do is drive down conservative morale. Why go and vote for any of these Republicans when all we will get is liberal measures passed? Yes, there will always be a solid base of Republicans that will overlook anything else in order to win this war in Iraq, but there are enough moderates in the party that don't feel that passionately about Iraq, and if the Republicans can't even find a moral backbone to support it beyond September, they aren't going to be ginned up come 2008 to vote for someone like Giuliani who only agrees with them on Iraq.
Don't even start with this B.S. that the bill will also include ways of enforcing immigration law. Like the way that we are working on that fence you promised us? That's going great. At this rate, the planet will have melted away from global warming before the fence even reaches Arizona. And by the way McCain, illegal immigration had everything to do with the failed attempt to attack Fort Dix. Some of those arrested had entered the country illegally, and it looks like they did so crossing the border in Texas.